Queniborough scout group are delighted to finally occupy their brand new scout hall.
A+G worked closely with the scout leaders to prepare the initial design of a new hall to replace the existing building that was condemned due to its poor state of repair. The new hall was to be fully accessible, affordable and low maintenance, whilst being fit for the future. The proposal was submitted for planning approval in 2015 and again in 2018.
The new hall has a kitchen with servery, WC facilities, a parent waiting area, storage ‘garage’ with drying space for camping equipment and of course a spacious and light activity hall. Fund raising continues to eventually provide full height cupboards and to fit out and provide stairs to the mezzanine level to create a meeting room.
The hall was completed thanks to a combination of a dedicated committee, volunteers, grants, fundraising and gifts. The rear garden and landscaping has been carried out by volunteer help with trees donated by a local nursery. The delay in opening caused by lockdowns enabled the final touches to be completed ready for occupation this month. The hall is already in full use by both the scouts and local community groups.