School is out but construction (slowly) progressing
Lovely blue skies at a very quiet Fernvale Primary School today, where work is steadily and safely continuing to take place. Good to see...

Progress at Newlands ASD School
The steel work frame going up for the new 80 place Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Communication and Interaction School, on the site of...

Start on Site
The work is under way for the new main entrance and the canopy at the Millgate School in Leicester. The steel work frame for the canopy...

Sports Hall, Loughborough High School
A beautiful day in Loughborough calls for a site visit. The new sports hall for Loughborough High School is nearing its completion. With...

Dove Bank Primary School, Nailstone
It took 2 days and 19 flat bed trucks to deliver 2 classrooms, a hall extension, group room and new staff room for Dove Bank Primary...